Education Loan
About Education Loan
Quality education is a must for a complete and successful life. For many, it is equivalent to graduating from a top institution. The cost of education is, however, increasing rapidly. In fact, the cost of studying at reputed institutions is already quite high. Keeping this in mind, parents, who want to provide their children with the best possible education, invest their money in mutual funds (MFs), fixed deposits (FDs), unit-linked insurance plans (ULIPs), etc., for the long term. But despite all this, one may still encounter shortage of funds. An education loan, therefore, plays a vital role in such a scenario by helping to bridge the gap between the shortfall and the required amount.

Details On Educational Loan
What does an education loan cover?
It covers the basic course fee and other related expenses such as (college) accommodation, exam and other miscellaneous charges.
Who can apply for the loan?
A student is the main borrower. A parent, spouse or sibling can be the co-applicant.
Whom is the loan offered to?
It is offered to students who want to study in India or pursue higher education overseas. The maximum amount offered for studies in India and overseas are different and varies from one bank to another.
Types of courses covered under the loan
It can be taken for a full-time, part-time or vocational course and graduation or post graduation.
Features of Educational Loan
Easy loan Repayment
100% Transparency
Quick approval
Eligibility Criteria
- You must be a Salaried Employee
- Age: 20-50 years old
- Net Monthly Income must be more than $1000.
- No defaults in the last 24 months.